Moths and Beetles

• Treating moth infestations effectively in Pembrokeshire •

If you have a moth infestation, the experts at Pembrokeshire Pest Control can help you. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

If you have a moth issue, we can help

Moths are an ancient species of flying insect. There are 3 main species of moths, which you may find on your business premises or in your home. These include clothes moths, flour moths and brown house moths. Feeding on natural fibres such as wool, fur and feathers, moths cause enormous and devastating damage to your belongings. They can cause extensive damage to your curtains, clothes and carpets. Prevent this from happening by calling the experienced exterminators at Pembrokeshire Pest Control today. We offer a swift solution to your moth problem anywhere in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.

Signs of a moth infestation:

  • Holes in clothing
  • Moth carcasses
  • Webbing on clothes
  • Caterpillar-like larvae on clothes
  • Moth infested food

Beetle removal services in Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion

Beetles make up the largest category of insects in the world! There are many types of beetles. Some types feed on wood, whilst others feed on garden plants. They cause a lot of damage to wooden structures and crops. If you have a beetle infestation in your property, contact Pembrokeshire Pest Control today. We can eradicate all types of beetle, including ground, wood destroying and carpet beetles.
Contact us
Make moths and beetles a thing of the past in your property. Call our expert exterminators today.
T: 01437 766 295
T: 07896 619 322
T: 07875 190 846
T: 01437 766 295 T: 07896 619 322 T: 07875 190 846
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